What does a day in your work life look like?

A work day in my life looks like this:
Being lucky enough to watch the sunrise every morning. Getting to go on the road to tend to beautiful gardens with an incredible team.

What made you start doing the amazing things that you do?

Not knowing what direction I wanted to take professionally, one thing always remained certain: I had to be outside. Then one summer, the opportunity to work for another landscaper came up and I went, out of curiosity.
I not only fell in love with the physical aspect of the field but also the fact that I had my hands continually in the dirt. It was very meditative for me.
The next year I decided to go on my own, mower, and rake in the box of my old Silverado haha!

What did you want to be when you were growing up, or as a little kid?

I had NO idea, that's the thing! I always knew I wanted to make a full life out of one passion, and for a very long time, it was motocross racing. I quickly realized that it was more or less realistic for me haha, not only that but also because I have this need to try in diversity and discover this world around me. 

What do you have to sacrifice to be good at what you do?

Free time is rare when you work for yourself because you don't count the hours. For me, there is always something to learn, a way to make our techniques more optimal or even to create new branches in the same field.
Even though I am constantly trying to lengthen the seasons, my work remains quite seasonal.

That's why a lot of my evenings are spent in front of my computer screen, because there is work to catch up on, or my weekends are dedicated to projects that I don't have the chance to spend as much time on during the week. So for me, the biggest issue is this time.

What scares you?

Since I was a little girl, I have had this fear of "running out of time". Not having enough time to conquer all the greatest desires of my heart! That's why I'm running on thousand-and-one projects. I am working on it, I promise! Because softer moments, takes some.

What do you want people to know about being a woman in your field?

That there is no limit to what you can achieve, in my field or any field for that matter.

What are you doing when you’re not working hard?

I love ice baths, it's a bit of an obsession actually. It's so rejuvenating. And other than shriveling up in ice cubes bath, I travel every chance I get.

How do you encourage other women to start doing what you do?
I truly believe that there is nothing more rejuvenating than putting your hands in the soil. It can become something truly therapeutic if you permit yourself to experience it. And whatever you are passionate about, the important thing is to do it from the heart. That way, it can't help but succeed.
Do you have any special projects or cool things you want people to check out?
Absolutely! Over the past few years, I have developed a love for growing flowers.

I'm currently growing on a small plot of rented land in the St-Benoit area. The farm is called Chez Dandelion (@_chezdandelion) and it's probably what drives me the most right now. My vision is huge and what will come out of this project filled with love will be magical! So yes, don't hesitate to check it out!




Jenni Mitchell

Hello Noemie,
Thanks for sharing your story. I love being outdoors and playing in the dirt so I completely understand what you’re saying. The sunshine always brings happiness. ❤️

September 26, 2023 at 11:32am

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