What does a day in your work life look like?
On the daily - wake up with the sun. Morning coffee, yoga, more coffee. Working in the shop and getting lost in whatever I'm working on. Sometimes I’ll be there for 10+ hours. Prep and body work to start, but once that paint brush is in my hand it’s game on. Painting helps me disconnect from everyday life, it’s my meditation.
What made you start doing the amazing things that you do?
I am always trying to reinvent myself as an artist. Specializing primarily in the motorcycle industry - it’s the main source of my inspiration. Everything that speaks to me plays into the definition and detail of my work.
How did you learn your trade/skill?
I’m a self-taught painter. Knowing this was the path I wanted to pursue - I isolated myself in my shop and spent countless hours learning the trade.
What did you want to be when you were growing up, or a little kid?
A veterinarian, I enjoy the company of animals over people most days.

What do you have to sacrifice to be good at what you do?
Without question - my time. Spending years turning my inspirations into my business, “Give It Hell Customs.” It is my passion, my hustle, and lifestyle to which I am dedicated
What are you great at, and what do you suck at?
I'm great at making mistakes and learning from them. Seeing it as a lesson over a failure. I suck at walking away from a piece, and taking a break from my work… I’m incredibly stubborn but determined.
What scares you?
Enjoying my alone time a little too much.
What do you want people to know about being a woman in your field?
Understand your value and worth. Respect yourself and always prioritize your professional development. Treat it as part of your daily life. Learning, growing and expanding your skills everyday can build your confidence.
What are the top five things that are always in your pockets?
Old broken paint brushes, paint chips, bolts and screws from the bike, snacks for me or my dog, wallet chain with my keys attached. (Or I’ll lose them)
What are you doing when you’re not working hard?
Thrift shopping for unique things to paint on, or going for a joy ride in my old Chevy truck with my dog.
Tell us something surprising about you.
I have a black belt in karate. I originally wanted to be a dancer but was told I didn’t have what it takes. So that’s where I ended up.
How do you encourage other women to start doing what you do?
Tell your story. Being an inspiration point from where you started and how far you’ve come.
Who’s a role model who helped you in your journey to where you are?
Hands down - my dad. He’s the hardest working person I can confidently say I’ve ever known in my life, and yet still makes time to help me with my endeavours. He’s a self-taught “jack of all trades.”
If you could give your younger self advice, what would it be?
It’s never too late to make a change.
Do you have any special projects or cool things you want people to check out?
Currently working some small mods on my 1977 Chevy truck, custom engraving, and new paint work this year. Mostly Japanese style art!
What does workwear designed for women mean to you?
I LIVE in workwear, seriously. When you’re wearing it 95% of the time you want it to check all the boxes. Stylish, fitted, and comfortable. It's a relief to find a brand designed by women who get it. That understand we want to feel GOOD while on the job. A brand like Dovetail that is designed by women to support women almost seems like a no-brainer.