Maple River Farm | Nova Scotia | INSTAGRAM

What does a day in your work life look like?
I get up super early - as my youngest son likes to start the day before the roosters even think about singing the song of their people and jabber about whatever pops into his little noggin. Once I get the boys up and out the door to school, I go and do the barn work. Setting everyone free, checking waters, topping up hay feeders. etc. I pop back into the house and start my work day, which involves zoom meetings with people all around the world. 9/10 times I still have my Freshley Overalls on, just the bibs flapped down and a fancy shirt on top. I run out and check on everyone on my lunch break, work the rest of the day. I then go and collect my boys, then we do the barn work together! Once they are in bed I will usually start processing fiber, spin, etc.
What made you start doing the amazing things that you do?
I honestly always wanted llamas - I thought that they were so cool. Once I got them, we had to shear them. Then it was;
" What do I do with their fiber?"
Oh you get it processed. Okay cool. Then what?
" Well you can handspin it"
Okay cool, how do I learn to do that?
It was just a constantly never ending rabbit hole of cool things to learn.
The fertilizer line was because I was reading up on their manure one day and found out all the cool facts about that. I have a plant science degree so it all made sense so I embarked on that mission as well.
How did you learn your trade/skill?
I have a plant science degree so that landed itself to me knowing about plants & nutrition, so I could see the use of the manure. As for the fiber processing and spinning - I went to learn from a lovely English lady every Friday afternoon while I was on my second maternity leave. I would spend hours with her, learning about fiber, how to spin, how to dye - all the things!
What did you want to be when you were growing up, or a little kid?
A Marine Biologist.

What do you have to sacrifice to be good at what you do?
Sleep and Sanity. Working full time, running a small business and having two small boys by myself is some sort of witchcraft. I want to give my boys the best life they can have, and have a deep sense of responsibilities and hard work. They see me doing that on the farm daily and I feel like that is very valuable. Sometimes I feel like I'm dropping balls left right and center; but I remind myself at the end of the day, everyone is alive and that's what counts.
What are you great at, and what do you suck at?
I personally feel like I'm really good at solving my own problems. There are a lot of things that I physically cannot do sometimes on the farm. I come up with really inventive ways to get things done - solve my own problems with the least amount of physical harm as possible. I'm absolutely horrible at asking for help. I'm so determined to get it done my way that I don't like change and don't want to hear other thoughts of how things can be completed. It's very much my way or the highway haha
What scares you?
Snakes. A long enough spaghetti noodle can pass as a snake and I will pass out stone cold dead.
What do you want people to know about being a woman in your field?
It's extremely hard and exhausting. I feel as soon as someone knows that Sam stands for "Samantha" and not "Samuel" I'm on the back foot proving that I know what I'm talking about and have value to add.
What are the top five things that are always in your pockets?
Knife. Headphones. Phones x 2. Lip chap. Usually a random screw/nail

What are you doing when you’re not working hard?
Sleeping or carting my kiddos around to their activities.
How do you encourage other women to start doing what you do?
Find your passion and go for it. That's all I can tell them. No matter what you do in life it's going to be hard and you'll have regrets. You might as well spend your life doing something that you enjoy and have the wins that much sweeter!
Who’s a role model who helped you in your journey to where you are?
My grandfather. Hands down. I honestly don't think that he knew I was a girl until I put on my grade 12 prom dress. He took me everywhere, taught me how to do things. There was never a mindset that " oh, she a girl. " Most teenage girls spent their time in the mall, I spent my time in a blueberry field and learning how to weld on Christmas break.
If you could give your younger self advice, what would it be?
Do not let anyone make you feel bad for who you are. Ever.
Do you have any special projects or cool things you want people to check out?
Absolutely! My farm and business is Maple River Farm (Instagram and Facebook) We are a llama farm that produces fertilizer products and yarns from everyone on our farm :)
What does workwear designed for women mean to you?
Women get women. It's plain and simple. We have a million different balls in the air all the time, complete with the hats that we wear while we are juggling them. Mom Hat? Gotcha, grabbing a granola or Band-Aid out of a side pocket. Working Hat? Perfect. Here's a pen to fill out that paper work or my credit card to pay that bill. Farm Hat? Magical. Here's a knife to bust open that round bale and a needle to give that sheep its medicines. We also have various body types. Some women have had multiple babies, others are built like Charlie Brown trees. We are very much not a "one size fits all, small, medium, large" demographic. You may have a size 6 waist and be 6'3. You could also have a 6 waist and be 5'4. The variety in our sizes is a real thing - and having women make clothing who understand that is vital. I feel amazing, in every single Dovetail item I have ever put on. I'm not mistaken for a teenage boy in overalls. The flexibility in the material is also a big thing for me. It's nothing for me to have to pick up a kiddo on my hip, or bend down to inspect a very interesting rock. The ability to do that and not be stuck in a bent position because the material is so stiff is a big deal for me.